
Natural Habitat Species Historical Bar Graph Increased Greenhouse Gas Emissions For centuries humans burned wood as fuel, however, in the later parts of our history we found far greater sources of energy underground stored in coal and oil. Unfortunately as mush as these new fuels supported our...

By Ané Venter In recent years, saving the planet has become a hot topic. With key words like “global warming”, “sustainability” and “save the trees” floating around our social media and news feeds, it’s clear that we, as a human population, have realised the necessity for...

By Ané Venter Sitting on the carpet in my third grade classroom, one of my earliest memories is one of our teacher reading a riveting storybook to the class. Suddenly there’s a shriek and a great commotion. A few kids down from me, someone gasps and...

In the medical field rule number one when treating patients is: First do no harm.When it comes to the garden, your vegetables and soil you should be following the same law. Barring a few epiphytic plants (plants that survive using the moisture in the air...

Around the world war is responsible for ruining hundreds of thousands of lives. Pistols and rifles, bullets and blades, bombs and bricks have all been used to murder, kill and maim. All of these things are subtractive – they take away. They take away joy, they take away...

Human beings are found in more places and in more diverse habitats than any other creature on earth. From the deserts of Africa to the jungles of the Asian tropics, from the frozen Arctic tundra’s to the high mountains of Nepal, people are everywhere. As homo-sapiens...

By Ané Venter I press down the plunger of my French Press and pour myself a cup of coffee; it’s Monday morning and time to start work in my home office. I pick up my cup of liquid gold from the wooden kitchen countertop, and shuffle...